Joshua Chukwuobasi

Joshua Chukwuobasi's Profile

Joshua Chukwuobasi
Wednesday 2 November 2022

To Every True Nigerian

Happy Independence Day to Every True Nigerian.

This is a message from a True Nigerian.

I am the one who sleeps on the streets

The one who barely gets enough to eat

Yet I try my best to pay my taxes.

I am a true Nigerian... 

The one who has to pay Ransom to kidnappers

The one who is robbed by bandits

Displaced by Terrorists... 

When I have Leaders meant to provide Security...

I am a true Nigerian....

The one who who does his civic duty

The one who risks his life to come out for election to vote with my PVC....

Only for the Election to be marred by thuggery and malpractices ...

And the Perpetrators allowed to go scot Free.

I am a true Nigerian.... 

The one who protested against Bad Police Brutality...

Only to be shot dead by bullets bought by my own Country...

I am a true Nigerian....

The one who has to endure Government Sponsored Tribalism..

The one who is denied what I rightfully deserve on the basis of religion and ethnicity...

Even From Federal institutions that should be beacons promoting Unity...

I am a true Nigerian....

The one who is forced to go through a fallen standard of education....

Yet I do my best and Studying hard only to discover that my good grades are not enough to get me an admission....

I needed to give some naira notes for mobilization or have some kind of extra Connection.....

After years many irrelevant but expensive Examinations, I get to the university and I am still forced to undergo poor education.

I grow old in the university because of endless ASUU Strikes....

I still endure... I stand strong.... I don't give up.... I fight to graduate.....

While the children of my leaders are in foreign Lands far away

They're in ivy league universities never having any of the challenges I face

And when they Graduate they come home and are celebrated....

High positions await them no matter their qualifications....

But when I graduate.... I am forced into the labour market....

Where I discover that my certificate is useless, for in the labour market there is nothing like employment, there is only buying and selling of Jobs.

The Job you get is that which you can afford....

I am forced to look back at the Energy, the finances, the years I had spent trying to get a quality education....

I look back and tears are forced down my eyes....

I am a true Nigerian...

So I don't give up

I get back up..

I rise up and I stand strong....

Happy Independence Day to Every True Nigerian Out there.

Though our hopes are crushed but our dreams are still alive

Though our bones be broken out faith refuses to die

Though our wings be clipped we still believe we can fly

For we know in our hearts that we were mean to soar the Skies.

The Ones who have dared to dream

The ones who have been crushed by corruption but still stand on their feet,.

Those suppressed by poverty but have refused to give up their integrity...

And sadly....

The ones who have lost their lives, homes and properties to the ravaging insecurity. 


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