Chidi Ezeobi

Biography: Chidi E.O.Ezeobi was born in Nigeria. He obtained early education in Nigeria. He attended Aguata High School, Aguata, Anambra State, Nigeria. He migrated to the United States in 1996. He later obtained his AAS in Business Administration at Kingsborough Community College, New York, and BSC in Professional Management at Medgar Evers College, New York. He currently resides in Newark, New Jersey. He is the author of “Remind The World, Poems from prison” and author of “The Forgotten Princess and The Shark.”

Chidi Ezeobi's Profile

Chidi Ezeobi
Thursday 14 January 2021

Udi and the Animals

The story goes on, Udi continues to attend animal meetings, where they complained bitterly about the abuse they faced from the humans. Here, a new perspective comes into the story that makes readers think about, what will happen if animals start to complain about their abuse. Simultaneously, they have a person who can deliver these complaints to human society. Hundreds of questions arise in the mind of the readers. Ezeobi brings a new perspective to understand the actual condition of animals when they are abused.


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