Oghenerhoro Oghogho

Oghenerhoro Oghogho 's Profile

Oghenerhoro Oghogho
Friday 24 February 2023

Magún (Thunderbolt)

To the men who will not stay

Dangling their third legs about

With inordinate quest and urge

Written all over their loins

Folks laugh and called it a myth

Some said it's a scare for real men

Others dread it at it's mention

Everybody wondered what it is

It is no disease neither an ailment

To dwell in the body of a lady

Placed on a her like a spell

Most of whom may not even know

Perhaps she was smelt to lay about

And all have failed to deter her

Her infidelity on everyone's lips

Soon fate will stare at her in the face

Woe to the men who came to her

In defiance to eat from her table

Doom as they licked their fingers

Falling down at her feet thereafter


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