Charles Nelson

Charles Nelson's Profile

Charles Nelson
Saturday 30 April 2022


If not a leader with vision

Someone with a youthful vigour

Then who else

Can be the people’s choice?

If not a leader with purpose

A man of the people

Then who else

Can make the people a voice?

A leader that is not just a politician

But a distinguished states man with charisma

That listens to the plight of the vulnerable

Is the true honourable

If not a leader of compassion and character

Someone that has the masses at heart

Then who else

Can be the people’s hope?

If not a leader of courage and competence

Tested and trusted with capacity

Then who else

Can make the people cope?

A leader that is not just a democrat

But a reliable technocrat

With a sound blueprint

Is the quality the nation needed for a footprint

If not a leader that can promote agriculture

With a sense of investment

Then who else

Can make the people self-reliant?

If not a leader that provides infrastructure

With a sense of development

Then who else

Can make the people smile?

A leader that does not just pursue excellence

But is condemned to end violence

Through the availability of empowerment

And opportunity of employment

If not a leader that values education

With a sense of poverty eradication

Then who else

Can make the people great?

If not a leader that believes in fair election

With humility to serve his generation

Then who else

Can the people vote for?

Here comes another election

You must vote wise

And vote right

Your future is in your hands.


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