Favour Joseph

Biography: Creative poem writer, inspired by my emotions...

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Favour Joseph
Thursday 28 April 2022


The past, so cold and dark;           
         Still hearing the voices echoes still calling me back;           
                            holding on, they say is vicious but yet I dig in deeper and slowly but greatly I remain;

The past, so corrupt and sweet     
       reminiscing greatly of it;         
               held by the ropes; 
holding on to the only desire I need,
but yet still living buried underneath my time that was wasted;

The past, so painful but I choose to remember;                                                my head suddenly hurts from it all;     
Oh! how time flies but stops for no one, not even its master;                 
      it drags the reason in life and the mystery that unravels it all;

The past, And all the memories that comes with it;                                            The sweet Joy and painful truth;           
The regrets that comes with its many questions;                                                  They say only the Creator owns the key to change it all, but yet we remain unchanged because we only become strangers yet again to our Emotions;

The past, the one that I once lived, has suddenly become my worst nightmare;                                                 Reckoning on the decisions that once held me back;             
                              but yet how can I run away from what I once loved;                           
                  it hunts me down and I accept that this is the retribution for my past action!     

The past, I live in the prison of my own mind;                                                  There's no escape from it all;                 it's memory only becomes brighter and clearer;                         
                     The past has become my mind's tormentor and I have no escape from it all!


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