Ezra Bature

Biography: Media Personal/Humaniatarian/A writer, poet/Editor. Food vendor, social media influencer, digital marketer

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Ezra Bature
Wednesday 19 January 2022

My Story of Northern Nigeria

My Story of Nigeria.... 

Inflation rate high 

Regionalism become noxious 

Life's expensive in the South

Ritualist in the East  

Fraudsters in the West 

Poverty in the North 

My Story of the North... 

Bandit and kidnappers on the highway,

No free road to ride without a raid, 

Demand for ransom,

Only with currency,

People's clamored,

government worldless 

Media houses turn to medium of segregation,

Social media turn to social division..

My story of North.....

Life without liberty 

Sleepless nights to the masses 

Gunshot gunned down my neighbor 

People becomes prey without prayers

Everyday promises from the army

Solution cease from existence 

My Story of North...

Attack to kidnap 

Community slaughtered

Blood spill out 

Many become homeless 

Live lost!! 

Job to jobless

Youth traveled beyond the region, 

For a greener pastures...

While the region's pastures is parched...

My Story of North 

Bloodshed is an everyday affairs, 

Everyday Newspapers news saddened..

Attack on the masses, 

Houses burn down to ashes 

Mass burial in the community 

Wives becomes widows 

Children becomes orphans

My Story of North 

Only few with a voice 

Many voice become voiceless 

Youth resort to drugs, 

Ladies to prostitution..

Parents create  hostility within...

Majority dominance, minorities impotence..

Minority tribes divided

No love but hate..



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