Owoidoho Elijah

Biography: Am a young poet who has great dreams of becoming one of the greatest poets alive. At age 9 i have written over 50 poems and have written two books Though Poetry doesn't thrive in Nigeria, but i pray a time will come where my talents shall be awarded and celebrated i still remain #debar

Owoidoho Elijah's Profile

Owoidoho Elijah
Monday 14 November 2022

Them by de bar

Them  by de bar

They seem to be my greatest achievement but they are not

Instead they are my greatest distraction.

I actually choose them case I want to feel among

I don’t want to be isolated, I don’t want to be left alone

“them” are the reason am not moving fast though I may be moving

They are gradually slowing down my pace since I carry “them” along in what I do always!

Society requires I have “them” to be a normal person but normality is pinning me down

I think I have to be insane at least once in a while to accomplish my goal

They can’t stop unless I give them the permission to do so,

So I better take my chances and be wise.


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