Plato Joakim

Biography: My chief goal is to become a very adroit wordsmith someday.

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Plato Joakim
Tuesday 27 July 2021


 The boundless sky above

is gloomy and all shades of grey.

Flanking the smooth,narrow tarred road

that stretches endlessly before us

are thick shrubs of green that dances briskly 

to the tune of the wind that whistles by.

 From the misty eyes of the doleful clouds

pours down the rain that drums on

the windshield and roof of our speeding bus,

drowning out the hum of the engine;

All I see ahead of me through

the crystal clear lens of my spectacles

is a hazy view of the speeding trucks and cars.

Amidst all this, unperturbed by the unfavourable element 

Of nature that waylays us,a pleasantly pungent scent 

Of home wafts into my dry nostrils from afar,

rousing blissful memories to me so dear 

from the long lost days(I forever treasure)

which from me Time has stolen;

Like a potter who out of the finest clay fashion

a status to his and the eyes of world alluring,

 So has those memories moulded me 

Into who I have become today.


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