Victor Oyewole

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Victor Oyewole
Tuesday 14 March 2023

Nah Single I single

Who is my guy? Not even Biro

Nah only me dey form my guy

As I dey pretty, sexy and nice

I still no get loml to call for night.

I dedicate my life

To my pretty short self

As I dey without a babe

I will never beg to do anniversary.

But jokes apart, wetin bad there?

Nah single I single

No be say I no get bundle,

And for your mind, I be sure kindle,

Who go marry from Tinubu's creed?

See how hand dey shake like bala blu

And he wan bring ham close to my waist

See head like Dino's own

Se nah me he wan kill for labour room

Share money, he dey shout "CBN this and that"

Werey no even get tfare to go home,

Talo Ni love oshi, love wey no get shishi

He go tight hand like Elu p

Small hitting on the head,

He go burst into tears like Obi

I no know Wetin dem dey rig for hin heart

Nah single I single abeg

Make nobody pressure my life


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