Omotayo Fatunbi

Biography: I am just a lover of nature, art, a scavenger roaming the earth in search of good painting, sculpture, music, movie, poetry; and I try as much as possible to add mine for others like me to pick up. Life is too short to achieve all my big heart wishes to, but I just want to make my little contribution before death claims me.

Omotayo Fatunbi's Profile

Omotayo Fatunbi
Thursday 29 October 2020


Coming after you at full pelt

Never knew

I was barking up the wrong tree

That under the cloak of love, or lost, I was hiding


Dossing on the floor of illusion

Tossed here and there

Flying the blind sky

Like a fly in a dark lampshade


Hope sky-rocketing

Time flies with the speed of lightening

The day would come

When you’d slip and fall

In this well of love

That I’ve in my heart dug.


But the day would not come

For to his abode you hastily headed

To explore and exploit

Whatever it was that caught your owlish eyes

Yet your buttocks would not stick to his mat.


Again you make your move

To hobnob with yet another

And maybe fulfill your foolish fantasy.


A circle of friends we were

But like a merry-go-round

You successfully scaled through us

Still seriously holding to your cloudy claim

Of being a mummy’s girl

Despite your love for classy things

And the way you dog-chased

After flashy cars

From clubs to rendezvous of all sorts


Now you are on your own

In the maze of indecision

No one would heed your call

Time to leave room for others

 For you’ve had your way.



Or maybe not

You’ve learnt

That actions have consequences.

© Fatunbi Omotayo


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