Chinedu OZULU

Chinedu OZULU's Profile

Chinedu OZULU
Sunday 26 April 2020


The globe is still.

Not for peace, but it's ill

The dwellers of the earth spit hate on man

And in wrath they have sworn to humble us. 

Who then rules?

In Dominion we thought we ruled,

But even the tiniest of them has broken us to death.

The royals and the wretched are now humans again,

Gasping now for the same treasure- breath

For unto the pillows they lay now all haste for fame.

And their wealth they sell to fate;

For once, fortune has lost its fragrance,

For even this sword has slain more kings than slaves.

The aged and the young tremble to journey under the Sun;

For within the winds, death swims.

And our friends have become our dreaded foes. 

For we know not who bears the enemy in his palms.

From distance we bid them goodwill


closer they bring us death.

The globe is still 

waiting for her Creator 

But then;

What if this is the Creator's wrath?

What if to an end, her Dominion the Creator brings?

Who then does she call to bear her wings?


The miracle of the moon,

As her children's blood spill over the seas and races.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps,she is her miracle.

For in her last breath she will find her elixir.

And all creation again, shall know the strength of her Dominion:

For it is the Creator's gift.


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