Abdulhazeem Popoola

Biography: Popsman Poetic Poet

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Abdulhazeem Popoola
Sunday 16 May 2021


Stepping up off our dry land 

Just for one course 

Fighting on a thick subject in a sphere

Though vow to mae our glory stay

Coming as a strong body 

To claim the world 

Refree should call our name in passion

Final whistle ready to blow in our v ictory 

Our right feet shall make us reign 

Their left fet shall give them cane

Ask your eagle 

Why they strike this time but could not circle the net 

Though opponent penalized 

Plucky hands still keep to their goal

Your famous captain inside their box

But ceased to fly above

Even when the whole team of theirsn 

Mirror  the whole team 

To have the final say 

Still could not jump for joy 

Our green grass celebrate 

Our victory

Nigeria we hail thee ...


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