ThankGod Williams

Biography: I am ThankGod Williams from Akwa Ibom State,Nigeria. I had my Diploma in English, later I graduated from Akwa Ibom State University. (B.Sc medical genetics and biotechnology ) I am a registered member of "The Writers Bureau" UK . I have interest in Poetry, Public speaking and motivational writing. One of my unpublished novel titled "HOPE OF TEARS" is my Favorite real life fiction. Other poetry by me include : 1.Mother of three 2.Homeless and not Hopeless 3.Dark days 4.Sweet bitter Dilemma 5.Raining Tears 6. Beautiful Pains *My Philosophy* I pray and hope for a world where people can speak to their own shadows, a world where birds will be able to cross the street without having their motives questioned, A world where poetry becomes power--------Twilliams

ThankGod Williams 's Profile

ThankGod Williams
Wednesday 7 November 2018



He gave her some flowers,

Sweetheart, take this,' a soldier said,

'And bid me brave good-by;

It may befall we ne'er shall wed,

But love can never die.

Be steadfast in thy troth to me,

And then, whate'er my lot,

'My soul to God, my heart to thee,'--

Sweetheart, forget me not!'


The maiden took the tiny flower

And nursed it with her tears:

Lo! he who left her in that hour

Came not in after years.

Unto a hero's death he rode

'Mid shower of fire and shot;

But in the maiden's heart abode

The flower, forget-me-not.


Years after years, months after months,

Days after days, she waited, so sad

Oh where is the God of war to protect

Oh where is the God of love to confess

My soldier boy, please come back for me

All these she said, hoping for him .


She was in dilemma, she wanted him

She was in dilemma, she wasted him

How could she allow him go, she cry

How could she allow her heart fry

Flowers couldn't replace his fingers

Battalions couldn't match his triggers

War needed him, but love wanted him more .


She wished him well, she wanted like hell

She was deeply in love with him

Sometimes she cries, she cried for him

He chose his country over love

But in battle field  love gave him luck

Every bullet he fired kill the enemy .

Hello soldier man, here comes your time

Hello Mr lover man, kiss goodbye to your gun

Oh Mr soldier was shot in the heart

Oh Mr Hero was made heartbroken

His blood bleeds his lover face

His blood bleeds his woman's name

He was rushed to the Medicals.


And when he came not with the rest

From out the years of blood,

Closely unto her widowed breast

She pressed a faded bud;

Oh, there is love and there is pain,

And there is peace, God wot,--

And these dear three do live again

In sweet forget-me-not.

It is to an unmarked grave to-day

That I should love to go,--

Whether he wore the blue or gray,

What need that we should know?

'He loved a woman,' let us say,

And on that sacred spot,

To woman's love, that lives for aye,

We'll strew forget-me-not.

We are at the way not for ourselves but for what we leave at home

----ThankGod Williams



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